I first broke out into this creative world as a male alternative model "Thamiel Kain". Friends and colleagues refer to me as TK for short.  My creative mind began to develop with ideas from movies and cinema and rapidly broadened to cover different horizons. I've always had an interest in photography It wasn't until a photographer friend of mine put an SLR in my hand so i could get to grips with it all. I have been quite lucky that over the years I was modelling that I made some really great contacts who became great friends. They helped coach and guide me with the basic knowledge that I needed. Shortly after I began creating and developing a style of my own. I set off on my way creating works of photographic art and several years later I have grown stronger and much more confident in my abilities. I like to say we are always learning. Every subject whether it a person or an object have hidden depth and character that requires bringing out of itself. I'm a firm believer that all good images have a story to tell, something that keeps the viewer intrigued. I like people look at my images and notice something new. 
I love a good challenge, something to get my teeth into and make something the best that it can be. Hopefully this tells you a little into how my mind works, and for any "gaps" that need filling i would like to think that my images can do some talking for me. Thankyou for taking the time to read. I hope to be meeting and working with many of you in the future.
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